Friday, May 1, 2009

No more rhymes, now I mean it! Anybody want a peanut?

Here we are entering our 6th month of the deployment. We are so grateful to the Lord for bringing us both safely this far. Paul has been staying busy at the Base Defense Operations Center, and this past month, he was given the opportunity to run weekly convoy missions. He will be doing this indefinitely until the end of the deployment. Below are a couple of pictures, one is a child who was running alongside the convoy asking for candy and food, the other is the most recent picture I have of Paul.

Lately, I've been up to a few things as well. In March and April, I taught a 6 week infant massage course in recognition of Month of the Military Child, and Child Abuse Awareness Month. The class made it into our local military newspaper the Schweinfurt Dispatch. You can check out the article at
A dream of mine, inspired by my Aunt Jane and her love and care of horses, has been to work with horses. I am thankful for the blessing of Seuter's Ranch about 15 minutes away from the base. They give English saddle riding lessons on Mondays evenings. In the lessons, the first and last 30-45 minutes are spent caring for the horse, brushing them down and cleaning out their hooves. I ride a horse named Ginger, she is very friendly and last week nuzzled me with her head after we were done trotting in the riding circle. Funny little story about my first lesson. I had decided to wear some old blue jeans to avoid ruining any of my good ones. These jeans were pretty old, and as I was getting up in the saddle the first time, they decided to rip! I wear stretchy pants now. :)
Thank you for all your prayers for Paul and me, they are greatly felt and appreciated!


Unknown said...

Heidi...this is all so wonderful! I love you, you are so awesome! Your job sounds and looks!!! So soothing! I can't wait to learn more about infant massage.

Unknown said...

Heidi- I miss your blog posts!!