Thursday, July 3, 2008

Piece of Cake...I Mean Pie

Cherry Pie...check! That's the first time I've made a homemade cherry pie from fresh handpicked cherries. First of all, does anyone know what quick cooking tapioca is? The commisary didn't have any, although most of the cherry pie recipes I looked up called for that specific ingredient, so it seems to be popular when it comes to making cherry pies. I also went to a Lidl, which is a German version of Circle K + HEB...couldn't find the stuff there either. I ended up using cornstarch, and so far, so good.

This past weekend we were planning on going to a Mozart fest in Wurzburg, but when we showed up on time (at least by the website's schedule) the nice German man in a tux at the front gate told us the show had started 45 minutes before. In seeing the tux clad fellow, we realized this was not as casual as we had heard; I was wearing a long skirt and flops and Paul was in jeans and flops (typical Corpus Christian wear). But thankfully we had planned on buying tickets at the door, so we didn't lose anything. We decided to return home, albeit, a little disappointed because the fest is over for this year. Instead we entertained ourselves with something a notch or two below the greatness of Mozart, we watched The Fiddler on the Roof :) life, to life, l'chaim!

In other news, for the past couple of days, Paul has so skillfully been hanging pictures up around our home. Below is a lovely display in our bedroom created by my Paul Stephen.

This weekend is mine and Paul's last weekend together before he goes to the field with his company for 45 days of training exercises in preparation for the winter deployment. Be praying for us that our weekend is one of companionship and restfulness. We will be celebrating our four year anniversary this weekend (1 month early) as well as my 25th birthday because Paul will not return until early-mid September...just in time for the celebration of his 26th birthday.

I am thankful for new friends and travel prospects that have popped up recently, and also a job opportunity in the making. Both will help during the absence of Paul...I will miss you my love.

The story of the job opportunity. A couple of weeks back, I submitted my resume through the civilian personnel online (CPOL) and it is currently under review by the people who are responsible for hiring me as a nurse at the health clinic. From what I understand, this hiring process can take up to 2 months, so in the mean time, I'll be completing orientation/volunteering on a full time basis. My prayers regarding this subject are: if this is the job my Father has planned for me, that He would make it clear and evident, or otherwise simply take the matter completely out of my hands. I can be so impatient, and life gets confusing when I step forward in my own timing. I think I know where I'm going but I have no clue. May our steps in all aspects of our lives be directed by the One who sees much further down the road.

A man's steps are directed by the Lord. How then can anyone understand his own way? It is a trap for a man to dedicate something rashly and only later to consider his vows.

Proverbs 20: 24-25

Until next time...adieu.